Thursday, March 5, 2015

This is the Moment

Fourteen years experience of being a teacher is something that I can be proud of. See? I hold my patience for this long period of time...somehow funny? or by nature, teachers are really patient?

To become a teacher was really my dream when I was still in elementary education. Truly, dream come true.

I love my profession...I love my work..I love my students...I love school! That's why I'm still teaching up to now.

Most of my colleagues would say that I am super active and enthusiastic when it comes to my performance as teacher. Oooops...I just love what I'm doing. I work so hard not to please or impress others, instead I work so hard because of LOVE! Love for my work.

When given a task by my superior, I will accept it heartily without any doubts because I consider it as a challenge which I can learn new things and possibly a chance to improve my performance.

People may judge nor misinterpret my actions but I consider them again as one of the challenges in my profession.  They're part of our lives who made us stronger and braver. :-)
I prefer to work with people who performed well and work so hard than people who know everything but less actions.

November 15, 2014, the most memorable date for me because  all the hard works had paid off. I never dream nor expect to be recognized by the higher ups. I was chosen as 2014 REGION XI MOST OUTSTANDING SPG ADVISER. 

I truly believe that if there's love in your work, performance is the best!


  1. A teacher who loves teaching, teach children to love learning...

    1. hello ma'am Nora. thank you so much for the comment. Let's teach with love and compassion. :-)

  2. I hope that new breed of teachers will be able to see your wisdom as a goal oriented teacher...

  3. thank you sir for the comment. I love what I'm doing especially if I could share my skills to others.

  4. Congratulations Ma'am Weng! Your achievements speak of how EFFICIENT you are as TEACHER.Keep up the good work. Everyone should be proud of YOU.
