Friday, March 13, 2015

The Rainbow Brite Story

Please click this link to watch my video creation about The Rainbow Brite Story. This could be your springboard in teaching reading to your students. Enjoy and have fun!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Teachers of the 21st Century

F. Bustamante CES Teaching Force

A school with the best teachers would make the school a better place who are ready to nurture learners and prepare them to become ready to face the real battle of learning....the reality of life!
We are the teachers of the 21st Century. 

Kaingin System...A Disaster?

Kaingin system is the cutting down and burning of trees and plant growth in an area for cultivation purposes. Kaingin is a Filipino word that means clearing. Known as swidden farming in other countries, it is a traditional but destructive agricultural system practiced in many parts of the globe. 
Who says KAINGIN is bad? good? Comments please...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

This is the Moment

Fourteen years experience of being a teacher is something that I can be proud of. See? I hold my patience for this long period of time...somehow funny? or by nature, teachers are really patient?

To become a teacher was really my dream when I was still in elementary education. Truly, dream come true.

I love my profession...I love my work..I love my students...I love school! That's why I'm still teaching up to now.

Most of my colleagues would say that I am super active and enthusiastic when it comes to my performance as teacher. Oooops...I just love what I'm doing. I work so hard not to please or impress others, instead I work so hard because of LOVE! Love for my work.

When given a task by my superior, I will accept it heartily without any doubts because I consider it as a challenge which I can learn new things and possibly a chance to improve my performance.

People may judge nor misinterpret my actions but I consider them again as one of the challenges in my profession.  They're part of our lives who made us stronger and braver. :-)
I prefer to work with people who performed well and work so hard than people who know everything but less actions.

November 15, 2014, the most memorable date for me because  all the hard works had paid off. I never dream nor expect to be recognized by the higher ups. I was chosen as 2014 REGION XI MOST OUTSTANDING SPG ADVISER. 

I truly believe that if there's love in your work, performance is the best!

The Manobo Tribe..Dream Big and Achieve More


The experience I had during our trip in Agusan had made me realized that POVERTY  is still a big problem in the Philippines. I have seen poeple particularly the Indigenous People in Agusan who are still left behind from what we experience in the city. Majority of this IP's are the Manobo. They must be given an attention by our government. Despite of all the sufferings, these people manage to keep their culture alive and even their way of living is somewhat amazing. 
So lucky that I was able to share the Women's group my ideas on how to run a cooperative since they are starting to build a small group and saving money for the welfare of the group members. 
If given a chance to handle and manage a foundation, I would probably choose AGUSAN as my project location particularly in AGUSAN MARSH, Municipality of Talacogon wherein I'd like to educate the women's group about PANGKABUHAY/LIVELIHOOD Project. 

Be an Innovative and Creative Teacher!

Are you a traditional teacher or modern teacher? How are you going to describe traditional teachers? modern teachers?
     Honestly speaking, I am a product of traditional teaching styles in my generation. but since I have the heart of willingness to learn new things, be taught and adapt changes...I'm proud to say that as teacher I'm able to merge these two styles; the traditional and modern styles of teaching. How about you fellow teachers?

Share and Learn

A true professional is willing to teach and share his skills and knowledge to others. He's not afraid to see others who accomplish more than what he accomplished in life. He would be the number one to feel happy if someone he trained becomes famous. It's nice if we also learn from others. Empty your mind and humble your self to accept learning from others.
Being a teacher, I also learn new things from my students. Sometimes, they amaze me with their opinions and reactions during our class discussions and open forum. A sad reality...Our students know more about technology than us, teachers.

Come on peps...share your thoughts too. I'll be happy and love reading it. :-)

Teachers on the Go..Express...Explore...Excel...Towards Quality Education

"Teachers on the Go...Express...Explore...Excel Towards Quality Education"

Teachers are the most important people in education industry. They are the keys to make learners into a better citizens of this country who could possibly be the hope of our nation to compete globally and become one of the richest countries in the whole world. But the question is how ready are we, educators? Are we open to changes when it comes to teaching strategies and techniques? Are we educated enough and updated to the latest technology in teaching? Are we making our learning competitive globally? Yes, I truly believe that teachers are always willing to accept challenges and changes in their career. Whether we like it or not, there is a need for us to upgrade our knowledge and skills when it comes to teaching styles to achieve the main goal we are aspiring for...QUALITY EDUCATION! Let's open to changes. because these changes would bring us to the next level of our education. eLearning is the best and latest trend in education and to integrate this in our classroom, surely, our learners become more interested, inspired and motivated to learn because of the new learning environment the may experience. Cheer up, teachers! Don't afraid to express...explore and excel!

Let your students experience more fun in school while they are learning.

Friends, feel comfortable to share your thoughts and comments about this blog. Thank you. Have a nice day ahead! :-)