Friday, December 26, 2014

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

I'm not yet done reading this book but I'm inviting everyone to read this because it is quite interesting. But those who are done reading this book. Feel free to leave your comments and reflection about the readings. To God be the Glory! :-)

A Teacher by Heart

A conversation with my Mama when I was 11 years of age.
Mama: Anak, unsa imong gusto pagdako nimo? (anak, what would you like to be when you grow up?)
Me: Ma, I want to become a teacher like you.
Mama: Huh...Dili man ko teacher nak. Vendor lang man ko. (hah, I'm not a teacher nak. I'm only a vendor.
Me: No ma, ikaw kaya akong first teacher. (No Ma, you are my first teacher.) Ma, ikaw ang una nagtudlo sa akua unsaun paggunit sa lapis, pagsulat ug linya ug pagbasa sa alphabet. (Ma, you are the first one who taught me how to hold a pencil, make a line and read the alphabet.)

How about you? Who was your first teacher?

I would always consider my mother as my first teacher. She was the one who introduced me the right manners that I should have. She was the one who let me memorized the alphabet and taught me how to write and make simple lines and curves. Even though she's not a TEACHER by PROFESSION, she's always a TEACHER by HEART. Nothing compares to a mother who teaches us everything with compassion, love and priceless services that works 24/7.

 I also believe that learning can be achieved anytime and anywhere. It's a matter on how the learners perceive and absorb it.

You can be a better teacher if you teach learners with all your heart. Touch lives and be an instrument of inspiration!:-)